Overcoming Anxiety about Birth
Does thinking about birth make you want to stay pregnant forever? Birth anxiety is totally normal and common in pregnancy but there are things you can do to overcome those feelings. If you feel your anxiety is becoming overwhelming it is important to talk with your lead maternity care provider or GP for support.
Explore where your perceptions of birth come from and how that plays into your birth anxiety.
Seek out positive birth stories (find podcasts, blogs, youtube videos, discuss with friends) and don’t be afraid to switch off or decline the share if it is not a story that is serving you.
Engage in birth education. Knowledge is power. LOUDER for the people in the back - KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
Write down all the things about birth that make you anxious and seek out ways to understand more about each one.
Meditation + relaxation techniques such as breathing WILL serve you. These are so important in labour so give them a go.
Talk about your feelings with your partner, friends, family + care provider. The more people you have in your support team, the better.